Wyoming Psychological Association
Spring Conference – 2020
The WPA Spring Conference is moving to a completely virtual conference this year – some ‘live’ and interactive, some downloadable for viewing on your own.
The WPA Spring Conference is on! The format is different! We are moving ahead together. Please be patient. The Conference is web-based, self-paced for the most part, and packed with information vital to our mental health profession. Please note that not all the Conference material is available yet for download. We will be emailing you about additional downloads and live Zoom links very soon.
Dr. Alex Millner is our featured presenter. The topics he will cover in his six, hour-long presentations are: First, the epidemiology of suicide and suicidal thoughts and behaviors, including gender disparities, across ages, across race and ethnicities, cross-nationally; Second, results on suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Army soldiers and Veterans; Third, review the current status of prediction of suicidal thoughts and behaviors – how good we are at prediction; Fourth, efforts to describe suicidal thoughts and behaviors; Fifth, cutting-edge theoretical approaches to understanding suicide, and; Sixth, treatments and interventions aimed at suicidal thoughts and behaviors, both novel approaches and well as more well-tested interventions.
Lindsay Martin, from the Department of Health, will talk about the impact of suicide and self—harm right here in Wyoming (who, what, when, where, and why). She will share information about statistics, resources, and the newest developments related to suicide interventions during two, one-hour sessions – further information forthcoming.
Dr. Dan Cossaboon, our very own colleague from Cody, will provide a Zoom live meeting on June 23rd to address the topic of educational interventions related to suicide focusing on youth and young adults.
Registration yields ten (10) hours of CEUs approved by the Wyoming Psychological Association.
Finally, we will hold a discussion on challenges facing the Association in the current atmosphere (read COVID-19). This discussion is combined with an Association meeting, but will focus on telehealth, telepsychology, and what we need to do to support our community during this crisis that seemingly, has no end.
About WPA Spring Conference 2020
Each participant who registers will receive email instructions on how to join each Conference presentation. Registration and more information is available at
Ten (10) CEUs will be awarded for successful completion of Conference requirements.
More information? Contact Dr. Bob Bayuk at or go to the WPA website at